Hello West United Families,
We are so excited for our Fall season which is set to start on Saturday, August 22nd. Our season will look very different than it has in past seasons. With the COVID-19 pandemic we are mandated by the State government and health department to follow protocols to protect everyone during the season. Please read the document from UYSA to prepare yourself and your child for our upcoming season.
We had our Coach’s Meeting last week and they are ready to start practicing. You should hear from your coach this week if you have not already heard from them. They will be following the COVID-19 protocols, one of which is for you to symptom check your player before each practice and game. If you have not heard from your child’s coach please reach out to me via email at cathy.connelly@westunitedsoccer.org.
We are looking for referees for all age group games U8/9, U10/11, U12-14 and U15-18. If you or your child are interested in being a referee this year please fill out the form https://forms.gle/Qcw9ZpqRgx63Wysw9. We will be having our Referee Training on Tuesday, August 18th at 7pm via Zoom. Once we receive your information we will send you the link for our meeting.
Our West United Soccer registration is still open for all age groups. If you have friends, family or neighbors that would be interested in playing share the website westunitedsoccer.org with them.
If you are interested in volunteering to help our league, we have multiple positions available. Please fill out the form https://forms.gle/UtwuBG4ZCPhBz4Rj6 by Sat, August 15th to be considered for one of our open positions. I will get in touch with you.
We look forward to a great season!
See you on the field,

Cathy and her family moved to West Valley City, Utah from Kailua, Hawaii in the summer of 2005. She grew up playing soccer through her high school years and coached several years while in Kailua where she grew up. Cathy and her husband, Jon of 32 years, have 7 amazing children. Her 3 youngest boys have played soccer with West United for the past 15 years. She had the opportunity to coach her youngest son who was 3 in the Fall 2005. She then became the Age Group Coordinator for her youngest son’s age group for the next 8 years (she moved up as her son moved up). She has been West United Soccer’s President for the last 6 years. She has enjoyed watching her boys develop their soccer skill, teamwork and sportsmanship over the last 15 years as they played with West United Soccer.